Thursday, November 22, 2007


Hello. I'm Casey, and this is my blog. (As if that wasn't obvious!)

I'm going to do my best to remain true to the title and keep things simple, which doesn't always come as easy to me as I'd like. Isn't that true for all of us, though? What I mean is that even though most of us realize that simplicity is a preferable approach to most of life's situations, we--human beings, I mean--tend to really complicate matters.

Simplicity is something that I aim to live by, so it seemed natural for me to shape my blog accordingly. You see, I'm really meticulous. (Okay, I'm an outright perfectionist. Just ask my wife...or my choir.) I'll go to incredible lengths to get something as close to perfect as humanly possible, whether it's my latest project or deciding which RSS reader (I happen to like Google Reader) to use. I simply want the best. For me. For my family. For everyone.

You have probably surmised by now that I'm an avid researcher. I'll pour over every available professional and consumer review of a product before I decide to use it, even if I'm not paying for it. Why? Because I don't want to waste a bunch of unnecessary time using something on a daily basis that's not simply excellent.

And this brings me to the heart of the matter. This blog is simply about great things, whether those things are the latest gadgets, ideas for a better approach to our morning routine, or philosophies to live by. The thought occurred to me, "What if there was a place I could go to discover the best way to do x?"--and that's basically the point of this weblog. That, and, in true blog fashion, to simply have a place to express me.

Don't get me wrong--I certainly don't claim to have the answer to everything, and I don't pretend that my ideas of good things will always be the best. What I do hope is that someone, somewhere will find some part of his life a little bit simpler and more enjoyable because of what I've written. I know that's a lot to hope for, but it's certainly a simple wish. After all, isn't that the point?